DX Connect: Free Play

Design Exchange always hosts inspiring and creative events and this was no different. Connect: Free Play is a provincial, post-secondary design competition seeks to explore design that is accessible to the greatest number of people, to the largest extent possible, regardless of their age or ability, across all design disciplines. This year, students studying in all design disciplines were invited to submit proposals that demonstrate how existing public spaces in Ontario can be re-designed to be accessible to the greatest number of individuals. Friday evening Design Exchange hosted finalists and guests to view the exhibition, receive awards and hear a keynote speaker.

For more information visit dx.org

If you are around Design Exchange check out Shape. In partnership with DAIS Gallery Shape focuses on the combination of design and fine art through a minimalist approach. This installation show was curated by Giles Monette and features designs by a collective of Canadian artists on designer vases from Charuta Living Solutions.

To see more on this exhibition visit DX Spring 2017 Mastercraft Series



You should also check out the upcoming exhibition EDIT!